Dr. Meltem Kayhan

KÜMPEM Forum- Executive Director

Dr. Meltem Kayhan started her professional life with strategic business management and system simulation projects at Clemson University where she conducted her master’s and doctoral studies, and continued with mainly on retailing and service sector

After returning to Turkey, and attending  Migros under Koç Holding, Dr. Meltem Kayhan had been leading in pioneering projects , and implemented a number of process design for the first Scientific Research & Development team in the retail and construction work.

With the partnership of many universities, especially in Koç University,  she conducted many industry-university cooperation R & D and implementation projects with EU and TUBİTAK partners, regarding to the following issues: CRM, demand forecasting, store and customer segmentation, performance management, supply chain, routing optimizations.

Involved with KÜMPEM Forum since its inception mainly through research-business partnership, Dr. Meltem Kayhan continues her academic and project studies; and since 2013, has been working as the executive director of KÜMPEM Forum.


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
2021 KUMPEM Forum Retail Conference 4 Hours December 10, 2021